Voting Information

Voting Information Tool from the Voting Information Project

The Voting Information Tool is an easily embeddable, mobile-optimized, and white-label voting information tool that offers official voting information–such as polling place and ballot information–to anyone using just a residential address. The tool can be easily embedded on any website and supports multiple languages.

modal: true,
title: ‘Voting Information Tool’,
width: ‘100%’, height: ‘480px’,
colors: { ‘header’: ‘#229acd’, ‘landscapeBackgroundHeader’: ‘#228a9d’ },
language: ‘en’

Voter Registration Widget

Rock the Vote’s Online Voter Registration (OVR) platform provides a simple solution for modern voter registration. Since its inception, the platform has registered over seven million voters and has been a trusted resource for more than a decade, with a proven track record of accessibility, security, and partner support. The platform is mobile-friendly and available in 13 languages.* Most importantly, it’s available to partners for free!

Rock the Vote’s OVR platform offers partners customization options, all of which include access to a unique partner dashboard, access to nonsensitive registrant data, opt-ins, customizable survey questions, and tracking options.

In states without OVR, or if a registrant doesn’t have the required ID for their state system, address information for the thousands of local election officials across the country is provided by the U.S. Vote Foundation.

Go to to sign up today to get your own embed code.